Know Your UST

New Requirements for Underground Storage Tank Systems

1. UST systems that store fuel used only for emergency power generation were previously exempt from leak detection requirements, but must now meet the leak detection requirements in the Storage Tank Regulations.

  • USTs installed on or before 11/10/2007 – by 12/22/2020
  • USTs installed after 11/10/2007 – by 12/22/2019
  • New USTs – immediately upon installation

2. Owners/operators must notify DEP 30 days before the installation of piping systems, replacement of dispensers, or installation of new dispensers.

3. Spill and overfill prevention equipment must be permanently installed.

4. After 12/22/2018, ball float valves may no longer be installed or replaced to meet overfill prevention requirements. When a ball float valve is removed, the entire assembly must be removed.

5. When an existing dispenser without under-dispenser containment is replaced with another dispenser, and all equipment at or below the shear valve which is needed to connect the product piping to the dispenser is replaced, or, when a major modification involving excavation beneath the dispenser is performed, under-dispenser containment must be installed.

6. Every 3 years, the following components of the UST system must be tested: Containment sumps used for interstitial monitoring, spill prevention equipment, and overfill prevention equipment.

7. Each year, the following components of the UST system must be tested: Electronic and mechanical components of release detection equipment, including sensors, probes, and automatic tank gauges.

8. Owners/operators must check the following:

  • Every 30 days – Spill prevention equipment is free of liquid and debris; fill pipe is not obstructed; fill cap is present and sealed; release detection equipment is on and functioning.
  • Annually – Containment sumps are free of liquid and debris; handheld leak detection equipment is in a good state of repair.

9. UST facilities that are unattended when they are open for retail fuel sales must be equipped with an automatic line leak detector that restricts or automatically shuts off the flow of product if a leak is detected (this does not apply to USTs storing fuel solely for emergency power generation).

Release Reporting: When and How

By phone within 24 hours
In writing within 15 days * Reporting Not Required IF:

Release of petroleum was fully controlled and contained, and the total volume was recovered and removed within 24 hours, AND:

Was <25 gallons to an above ground surface OR
Was to containment sump and the total volume was contained below the lowest sump penetration.